About Us

Organization Name:

International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights IODHR

Mission Statement:

The mission of the International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights - IODHR , is to work for the protection of all human rights for all people; to help empower people to realize their rights; and to assist those responsible for upholding such rights in ensuring that they are implemented.

In carrying out its mission IODHR will:

  • Give priority to addressing the most pressing human rights violations, both acute and chronic, particularly those that put life in imminent peril;
  • Focus attention on those who are at risk and vulnerable on multiple fronts;
  • Pay equal attention to the realization of civil, cultural, economic, political, and social rights, including the right to development; and
  • Measure the impact of its work through the substantive benefit that is accrued, through it, to individuals around the world.

Operationally, International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights - IODHR, works with governments, legislatures, courts, national institutions, civil society, regional and international organizations, and the United Nations system to develop and strengthen capacity, particularly at the national level, for the protection of human rights in accordance with international norms.


Is to undertake differentiated measures to assist disadvantaged persons or persons in extreme situations especially children, teenagers and young people in such situations. It will also pursue to support disadvantaged communities (poor communities, minorities, unemployed, disabled people, young graduates of educational forms, institutionalized children, elders and homeless children) as well as promotion of both the cultural, scientific and sports values, aiming to align the values, standards, spirituality and traditions of European culture.

  • Protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, stipulated by the Constitution and laws in vigour as well as by international covenants and treaties to which Norway is a party;
  • At a national and European level the Association International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights will prevent and combat all forms of discrimination and racism;
  • Promote equal opportunities,promote an appropriate social environment, good coexistence and social cohesion between the majority population and minorities,promote freedom of expression,promote democratic values in the communities, support disadvantaged communities’ access to education.
  • Develop legislativ concepts and work for the propagation and promotion of the laws into national legislation and advocate for adherence to international conventions and also to propose the conclusion of new agreements in accordance with the current development.
  • Mobilize experts for defend and create effective projects on migration and integration issues, to fight racism through the creation of a development base in the integration of immigrants and transform negative aspects of emigration in positive aspects that serve immigrants and host countries;
  • Rehabilitate the victims of war and those tortured and to positively reintegrate them into their communities;
  • Promote the concepts mentioned in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, in addition to those specified in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Protocols resulting from these rights;
  • Promote the concepts of international conventions by creating practical projects, especially those relating to auto determination, of guarantying privileges, protection of minorities, the rights of children and women, to slavery and similar practices, the rights of the revoked people or of those who are in prison, protection against torture and other inhuman treatment, the right to peace and privacy, the rights of people with disabilities, to also advocate for the prevention of war crimes and crimes against humanity and of genocide, develop concepts of international law of humanitarianism and to pursue implementation of what was discussed at the meetings but also in the corporations of the United Nations.
  • Strengthen the active partnership with institutions and administration public authorities at a local national and international level as well as with civil society representatives.
  • Effective support to the defend women's rights and interests in the society and in the family, support the development of specific documents and in agreement with the job description, counselling and legal representation in relation to local employers, support and assistance in developing / implementing of fund applications, awards to those experts who are distinguished by their results.
  • Support in developing a calendar of cultural, educational and sports activities in order to preserve and promote minority customs but also promote sports competitions and activities. World economic development of the world by engaging leaders in a common agenda of interests and principles.
  • Establish partnerships with institutions working in development and human rights and establishing international partnerships in different sectors, in particular with those of the United Nations;
  • Encourage and promote various forms of artistic or any cultural, scientific, sporting expression as well as the promoting of the cultural and sports products and values in the country and abroad;
  • Support and organize scientific events (conferences, congresses, symposia, scientific expeditions and research);
  • Promote cross-border cooperation in Europe and in other continents, and maintaining the cultural heritage of these areas.
  • Support gifted children, those in suffering or disabled and the minorities.