Roma’s treasure – Bilateral exchange for a better future through cultural heritage recovering

General objective:

Developing bilateral relations with a Norwegian NGO, identifying and exchanging partner visits to discuss opportunities for future collaboration in the field of cultural partnerships, helping children and young people in risk.

Contribution to the objectives of the Programme:

Norwegian partners' meeting will bring extra experience to partner associations. Although each of the associations carries out certain activities to support children and young people even to whole communities we will meet with partners from IODHR-Norway at roundtables, present video and photos, present a book, talk, and if possible, accompany and help with their activities.

The aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to provide young Roma and non-Roma beneficiaries, an appropriate framework to learn more about Roma history, culture and values in order to promote cultural diversity and mutual understanding between Roma and non-Roma. To prevent interethnic conflicts that can lead to massive and violent racist acts against Roma and to know the way in which the Norwegian partner organization is working on the development of cultural projects targeting the group of young people, students and students, Supporting Educational Development And cultural disadvantaged groups in Roma communities, those at risk for pursuing or continuing a regular education, maintaining them in a normal social group and stimulating volunteering among young people who can help Such children or You know that And within limits.

Secondary Objective:

  • Establish a lasting partnership with a donor NGO for the future development of joint activities, funded from diverse sources;
  • Making an exchange of experience with this NGO, participating in seminars or round tables with members and volunteers of the organization, sharing similar or specific experiences in the field concerned;
  • Reciprocal visits to Norway and Romania,
  • Mutual presentation of the two partner groups in order to know on-site specific cases;
  • The exchange of materials and information on advocacy activities carried out in front of authorities, public institutions, private entities to obtain support for cultural and educational projects involving children and young people at risk.
